Gigi Greene
A Core Solution has been a BLESSING to me this week! I had to visit their site to THANK the women responsible for restoring something in side of me that I thought was gone! And that was pride in who I am and the strength to keep on believing that there are people in this world like me! I say LIKE ME very carefully…because they made me feel as if I was important and something besides a “category” that has been put upon people that need help or have been judged by our society as a POS because of things that happened in our lives that make us not as “GOOD” or “PERFECT” as they claim to be! My biggest “crime” was to treat people with unconditional love, and I hope that all people could feel such a terrible feeling as this, this terrible “unconditional” thing, that may as well be leprosy, or cancer, or whatever is the worst thing you could think of to feel! Because it seems a lot of people are scared of it!(being unconditional!) LOL! BUT, that will all come out in the wash, as I say, in the end when we are to be judged by our Lord, the only one that is to be the one to judge….amen to that! Judgement is one of those things that is a biggie in our lessons we are to learn. And all I say to the “haters” out there …I feel for you because you are that way, don’t know what you are missing!!!
Thank you so much to you guys! And to the HEAP program for making my life easier this week! You are angels! Literally!
If there is anyone who needs help with your life, either monetary, physically, or spiritually come to A Core Solution! At the worst, you will feel blessed by meeting these ladies…they will make you feel better about yourself, just by talking to you about how “life” has been with them, as it is with us all – with no judgement, just understanding!